Nutrition Coach Nearby | My New Lifestyle
That's enough!
As a nutrition coach, I know from experience that change is not always easy. But I am convinced that every person is capable of making positive changes in their lives if they have the right support. For this reason, I offer individual coaching programs that are tailored to the needs and goals of my clients. Together we can achieve healthy and sustainable change that affects not just diet, but life as a whole.
I'm Yolanda

I was often called "fat" as a child and tried various diets to lose weight as a teenager. I actually lost weight, but never sustainably.
Food has always been a comfort for me. If I felt stressed or unsatisfied, I ate. But at some point I had enough and wanted to feel comfortable in my body. I started losing weight again, but fell into a vicious cycle of starvation, eating, and guilt.
I realized I couldn't get anywhere on my own and wanted to learn more about healthy eating and a positive attitude. So I decided to train as a nutrition coach and began changing my diet and lifestyle.
Today I know that losing weight is much more than just eating right. It's also about a healthy attitude towards food, the body, exercise, body image and nutrition. I want to help other people achieve their goals and live happier, healthier lives.
A holistic approach to health and well-being
Qualified nutrition coach and Nordic walking instructor
Dipl. Nurse KWS, Higher Technical School 1, Boarding School interdisciplinary wound care course University of Toronto, Canada
Reiki Master Trainer and Lemuria Master 2nd Degree
Regular training with Prof. Dr. biol. hum. Marion Flechtner-Mors (nutritionist)